
Introducing… This Blog

So, hi, I’m March Miskin (that may or may not be my real name), and this is my blog. About game development. Not in general, just about… my process of developing games. Although I haven’t really developed any games yet.

That’s a terrible intro. Let me start at the beginning. Or at least at a place a little more beginning-ish.

So, like a lot of people, I was put out of work in March due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. In my case, I wasn’t laid off, but that’s because I didn’t have a full-time employer to be laid off from; I worked freelance in the entertainment industry, and, well, with the coronavirus Stay At Home order the entertainment industry was basically shut down. There was no work available on set.

So, except for the occasional forays out for grocery shopping or other extended errands, I—again, like a lot of people—was basically stuck at home alone. This isn’t to say, though, that I had nothing to do. I had a lot of creative projects that I could work on, and online courses that I could take to learn or improve various skills.

And speaking of online courses, well, I found out that the company behind the widely popular Unity game engine had decided to make the Unity learning materials free to use. Now, I’d always been interested in game development, even if I guess I never took the time to really delve into it (mostly because of all the other things I was also interested in and my, uh, lack of focus). Even as a young child, I would fill pages and pages with detailed plans for games I would never actually make. (Okay, I actually did make some simple games back then, written in Applesoft BASIC—which I guess kind of gives away how old I am.) But with these Unity learning resources freely available, this seemed like a perfect time to get into it. I signed up for the Unity Learn Live course, and the rest is history. If by “history” you mean how I finally got started seriously trying to develop my skills in game development, which, admittedly, is not what most people mean by “history”.

Anyway, at the beginning, this blog is probably going to be mostly about my progress through the Unity Learn Live course, and other Unity courses I may take. (I’ve already taken a few extra courses, like brief tutorials on the terrain editor and certain navigation methods… both of which I am going to use in my personal project, but I’m getting ahead of myself…) Later on, though, I hope to have posts about other games I’m developing in Unity. I also may occasionally make the occasional post reviewing or commenting on other games… there’s one mobile game in particular that I kind of want to write something about within the next few days.

Anyway, thanks for reading this blog and following along with my adventure. If by “adventure” you mean… game creation journey. If by “journey” you mean… okay, never mind; I’ve run that gag into the ground now.

By March Miskin

Hi, I'm March Miskin, and this is my blog, so if you want to know more about me... read the blog, I guess.

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